
Breadcrumbs come in handy to show a navigation trail for users clicking through your site.

To make a set of breadcrumb links, just add the class .breadcrumbs to a <ul>, and then add links instead of <li> elements.

The current page doesn't require a link or a class, but you should add some explanatory text for AT that indicates which item is the current page.

To mark a disabled item, add the class .disabled to the <li>, and just use plain text instead of a link.

<nav aria-labelledby="breadcrumbs-label" role="navigation">
    <h2 id="breadcrumbs-label" class="show-for-sr" >You are here:</h2>
    <ul class="breadcrumbs">
        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
        <li><a href="#">Features</a></li>
        <li class="disabled">Gene Splicing</li>
            <span class="show-for-sr">Current: </span>Cloning


We use a CSS ::after element containing a slash character to create the separator between items. Some screen readers will read this character out loud—if this is an issue, you can use a background image or a separate element with aria-hidden="true" to create the separator instead.