

      <th scope="col">Table Header</th>
      <th scope="col">Table Header</th>
      <th scope="col">Table Header</th>
      <th scope="col">Table Header</th>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>This is longer content Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
      <td>Content Goes Here</td>
Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header
Content Goes Here This is longer content Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here
Content Goes Here This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here
Content Goes Here This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here

Hover State

Add the class .hover to lightly darken the table rows on hover.

<table class="hover">
Table Header Table Header Table Header Table Header
Content Goes Here This is longer content Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here
Content Goes Here This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here
Content Goes Here This is longer Content Goes Here Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Content Goes Here Content Goes Here

Stacked Table

To stack a table on small screens, add the class .stack. To see the below example in action, scale your browser down.

<table class="stack">
Cookies Taste Calories Overall
Chocolate Chip Tastey 120cal 7.5/10
Snickerdoodle Delicious 95cal 8/10
Oatmeal Raisin Superb 10cal 11/10

Scrolling Table

Add a wrapper element with the class .table-scroll around your table to enable horizontal scrolling.

<div class="table-scroll">
This is the description! One Two Three Four Five Six Seven Eight Nine Ten Eleven Twelve
Nulla tempor sem a purus blandit, eu elementum massa sagittis. Proin tortor enim, suscipit sed magna. Nulla tempor sem purus blandit elementum massa sagittis Proin suscipit magna tortor
Nulla tempor sem a purus blandit, eu elementum massa sagittis. Proin tortor enim, suscipit sed magna. Nulla tempor sem purus blandit elementum massa sagittis Proin suscipit magna tortor
Nulla tempor sem a purus blandit, eu elementum massa sagittis. Proin tortor enim, suscipit sed magna. Nulla tempor sem purus blandit elementum massa sagittis Proin suscipit magna tortor
Here's a footer, just in case

Table Accessibility

A comprehensive guide to tables can be found at the W3C Accessibility Tutorial for Tables.

Layout Tables vs. Data Tables

In the past, tables were used to achieve specific layouts, such as correctly aligning the content from multiple columns. We strongly discourage that approach: it is outdated; it violates separation of content and visual presentation, and it creates accessibiltiy problems.

Tables must be reserved only for presenting tabular data.

Captions and Summaries

The caption element functions as a title or heading for the title. It should be succinct and identify the content of hte table. Screen readers allow users to access a list of all tables on a page, and will also announce each table's caption element, if one is provided. Providing a caption element also allows screen reader users to decide whether they want to read or skip over a table. The caption element should be a child of the table element. In lieu of caption elements, ARIA labels can be used, as well. Table summaries provides information about how a data table is structured. If a table is large or complex, captions can explain how rows and columns are related. In previous versions of HTML, a summary attribute existed for this purpose. In HTML5, the summary attribute is depricated. Summaries can be provided within the caption element or with an ARIA description by using the aria-describedby attribute. Using figure and figcaption is also an appropriate way to provide table captions and summaries. However, when using figure and figcaption, ARIA labels and descriptions must also be used.

<!-- Describing a table using a caption -->
<table class="stack">
  <caption>Degrees Conferred (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)</caption>
      <th scope="col">Degree</th>
      <th scope="col">Men</th>
      <th scope="col">Women</th>
      <th scope="col">Total</th>
      <th scope="col">% who are international</th>
      <td>Masters & Post-Masters Certificates</th>
Degrees Conferred (July 1, 2014 - June 30, 2015)
Degree Men Women Total % who are international
Bachelors 677 650 1327 10%
Masters & Post-Masters Certificates 1,119 1,101 2,220% 29%

Table Headers

Simple tables with few rows and columns may only require either one header row or one header column. Longer tables require using both a header row and a header column. In any case, scope="col" or scope="row" should be added to each table header cell, as appropriate.

It is possible to make tables with more complex columns usable and accessible, but in practice, it is often more difficult than it is worthwhile. In general, it is better to split up data among multiple tables than try to design complex tables.